March 2025

When you hear the phrase ‘Tools of the Trade’ something comes to mind for all of us. I spent a morning volunteering at our community equestrian center and the ‘Tops of the Trade’ were quite different but very necessary. In fact, i added a new photo project , ‘Tools of the Trade’ to my growing list of ideas. What comes to mind for you when you hear ‘Tools of the Trade’?

January 2025

A padlock can be seen as something to keep you out or lock up something. The padlocks on the bridges in Paris are different. Often referred to as "love locks," they symbolize a romantic gesture by couples who attach the locks to the bridges to signify their unbreakable love. The tradition generally involves writing or engraving the couple's names or initials on the lock, attaching it to the bridge railing, and then throwing the key into the Seine River as a sign of eternal commitment.

Padlocks on a Seine River bridge, Paris France , December 2024, Tim Belber, iPhone 14 Pro

September 2024

Being on the water is always a treat for me, particularly when I’m with some good friends who are also photographers. For others though the water is their office for what is a very hard job.

Shrimp boat off the South Carolina coast, Tim Belber, Sony A7RV, 100-400mm

July 2024

As Thoreau said ‘It is not what you look at but what you see’. When you look in the mirror or any other scene what do you see beyond what you are looking at?

March 11, 2024

I like the moodiness of Black & White on cloudy, rainy days. Using an app like TinType allows you to enhance the feeling.

Oldfield SC March Walking Path, Tim Belber, iPhone 14 Pro processed with Tintype